Why Social Media benefits University Students

In the next few weeks, thousands of students will be starting or returning to university and with social media being a huge factor in our daily lives, here are some great reasons on why social media benefits university students:
Free social engagement with tutors and fellow students
Social media is a fantastic way to communicate for university students because it’s free. Most universities have their own social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter pages so that students and tutors can interact outside lecture times. This is a fast and popular way to communicate. Students can also make the most of this free social engagement with tutors and fellow students by making new friends on social media and by setting up study groups and meet-ups via the group’s Facebook pages.
Sharing information such as study tips and resources is also a reason how university students can enjoy the benefits of signing up and using social media channels.
Besides Facebook,other social media platforms like Twitter,LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest are also great, especially for photographers as you can share images through Instagram and Pinterest and through Twitter you can share images and links to articles with tutors and fellow students.
Tutors can also benefit from using social media channels and getting to know their students better. For example, the social media profiles of your students might look for certain things such as a student who is doing a degree in Journalism will most likely be following the same Facebook pages and will help tutors tailor their lectures to their students. This means, the students benefit from the lectures better and will find them much more interesting.
Access to articles they wouldn’t necessarily read
Sharing articles that are relevant to your chosen study area with other students and tutors is a great idea. You are likely to be introduced to a world of information and websites that you have never heard of before, as well as book and reading recommendations which will help you complete your assignments and gain the knowledge that you require to gain higher grades.
University students can stay in touch with family and friends for free
By using social media, students can keep in contact with friends and family, all they need is a phone, laptop or tablet and free Wifi which can be accessed at the university, or local shops and cafes. Students can also share pictures, videos, and updates of their experiences of university life by posting to social media channels and it won’t cost them a penny.
Using video conferencing with Google Hangouts
Opening a Google account allows students to use Google Hangouts, which is becoming popular, especially with businesses. Using Google Hangouts will allow university students to attend lectures and collaborate through video if they are unable to make a lecture or they need to contact other students or tutors for work purposes of private meetings outside of normal university hours such as nights, weekends, or semester breaks.
Did you know that LinkedIn, the B2B professional network, now achieves over 60 million views in the UK every month? Avocado Social
Plan for your future by using LinkedIn
Are you on LinkedIn? If the answer is no then you should sign up today. LinkedIn is used for business and is a great resource to meet new potential employers or sign up and join groups within your chosen career field. You never know you may find a work placement or your first job through using this social media tool.
These are just a few ways in which university students can benefit from using social media channels. If you are a current university student returning or if you are off to Uni, for the first time this year or you are a tutor, please let me know how you benefit from using social media and which tools do you currently use or plan to use?