Digital Classic

A website featuring the latest and previous technology and music

Advertising and Guest Posts



I do

_ Accept guest posts from industry professionals if the theme is relevant
– Accept product reviews based on the policy outlined below
– Accept sponsored posts

I do occasionally accept payment for guest posts on my blog. I do not and will not post irrelevant content for the sake of being paid. I reject more sponsored posts than I accept as many are just not relevant to my blog or of interest to my readers.

I only accept advertising from brands I trust and use myself. If you see an advert on this site, it is because I believe that brand is worth telling people about, I will always be transparent about any relationships with those companies.

If any images be submitted do not fit the correct dimensions, they will automatically be resized.

If you’d like to send a product for review, I’m happy to consider items for review as long as they are consistent with the theme of my blog. I do not charge for this.

Any payment I accept from advertising will be put towards purchases for blog posts. Payment for advertising packages is to be made in full, via Paypal as ‘Friends and Family’ and must be cleared by the last day of the previous month. Should you wish to book for a minimum of 6 months, then a discount can be arranged.

I’ve written content for high street stores and online retailers including Superdry, Amazon music, The North Face, Vans, Argos, Thorntons, and Cross Country Trains, and continue to contribute to high profile online and print publications such as Cosmopolitan, Inside Soap magazine and Female First.